PAI Statement

PAI Statement

30 June 2023 | 2 min. readingtime

PAI stands for Principal Adverse Impacts. In this statement we explain how we consider the prevention of possible negative effects on sustainability in our investment decisions. ASR Vermogensbeheer N.V. (AVB) takes into account the main adverse impacts on sustainability factors in its investment decisions. This statement (Principal adverse impacts statement) results from our investment approach and is updated annually on the basis of new insights and objectives in the field of sustainable and responsible investment.

AVB is part of the group headed by ASR Nederland N.V. (ASR NL). ASR NL has a group-wide sustainability policy, remuneration, taxation and purchasing policy. AVB applies them all with a view to sustainable business operations

SRI Policy

AVB’s Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) policy sets requirements for the underlying investments of the funds it manages, including in the area of sustainability. AVB also applies this policy to the underlying investments when providing investment advice and in performing dedicated asset management. The SRI policy contains criteria, standards and control procedures for several Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) themes with a view to managing key sustainability risks and mitigating adverse sustainability impacts of investment decisions. The SRI policy is periodically adjusted on the basis of new insights, objectives and expectations.

  • Sustainability
  • Policy


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Rebwar Taha

Advisor Responsible Investments

Rebwar is responsible for the implementation of sustainability laws and regulations

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