04 February 2025 | 1 min. readingtime
Our focus themes
Within our sustainability strategy, we have defined four focus themes.
ASR Vermogensbeheer N.V. has its registered office in Utrecht and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 30227237. ASR Vermogensbeheer N.V. is regulated by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets and is authorised to manage investment funds pursuant to Article 2:65 of the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). ASR Vermogensbeheer N.V. is permitted pursuant to Article 2:67a(2) of the Financial Supervision Act to provide the following investment services under its authorisation: individual portfolio management, provision of investment advice and reception and transmission of orders in relation to financial instruments. ASR Vermogensbeheer N.V. is also authorised to manage Money Market Funds (MMFs).
Read the latest a.s.r. annual report here
a.s.r. asset management has three statutory directors, consisting of CEO Patrick Klijnsmit, CCO Marco Lavooi and COO Janine de Jong-Kortman. They are appointed by the general meeting of shareholders. The directors are registered as such with the Chamber of Commerce.
ContactRe 1. Investment fund management (collective portfolio management)
a.s.r. vermogensbeheer is authorised as an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) as referred to in Article 2:65(1)(a) of the Financial Supervision Act, more specifically on the basis of its AIFMD (Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive) authorisation.
Re 2. Provision of investment services (individual portfolio management)
Pursuant to Article 2:67a(2)(a), (b) and (d) of the Financial Supervision Act, a.s.r. vermogensbeheer is permitted to offer the following investment services to both non-professional and professional investors:
(a) Individual portfolio management
(b) Provision of investment advice
(d) Reception and transmission of orders in relation to financial instruments
These services are regulated in the Financial Supervision Act and MiFID II (Markets In Financial Instruments Directive).
04 February 2025 | 1 min. readingtime
Within our sustainability strategy, we have defined four focus themes.
04 February 2025 | 1 min. readingtime
In our paper “Human rights,” we share how we shape the theme of human rights within our responsible investing.
28 January 2025 | 1 min. readingtime
In our paper “Climate Change & the Energy Transition,” we share how we are shaping the climate & energy theme within our responsible investing.