Report a complaint

Report a complaint

While we do our utmost to offer you excellent service, you may nevertheless have a complaint. One phone call is usually enough to remove your dissatisfaction. We are happy to help and try to solve the problem together. Of course, you can also file a complaint with us by letter or directly through our website.

Sending your complaint online

Please call Marc de Bruijn if you have a complaint: +31 (0)6 47 81 62 22. You can also submit your complaint online by sending an email to Marc de Bruijn. You can find his details at the bottom of this page.

Sending your complaint by post

You can also send us a letter. Please remember to state your name, address, telephone number and email address.

a.s.r. Klachtenservice

Postbus 2072

3500 HB Utrecht

What do we mean by a complaint?

Any message containing the word ‘complaint’. Therefore, please clearly state the word ‘complaint’ in your message. That way, we can ensure that your complaint will be handled properly. We will send you a confirmation of receipt of your complaint within 3 business days. We will respond to your complaint within 10 business days. Sometimes we may need more time to investigate a complaint. In that case, we will let you know how much longer we need.

Not satisfied with the solution?

It is important for us that you feel that we have diligently handled the complaint. Are you still not satisfied with the solution proposed by us? We will fully cooperate in finding a solution through an external complaint body or court of law.



This is an image of Marc de Bruijn.

Marc de Bruijn

Account manager

Marc specialises in portfolio management for charities, donor-advised funds and foundations.

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