Quarterly update Q3 2018

Quarterly update Q3 2018

16 October 2018 | 1 min. readingtime

Living wages and PCAF

In this quarterly update, we highlight new developments in our SRI activities. We take active ownership by voting and engaging with the businesses in which we invest. This update tells you more about the newly launched initiative of living wages in the supply chain. Further, a.s.r.’s active membership of Platform Carbon Accounting Financials and our investments’ carbon footprint will be discussed.

  • Sustainability
  • Quarterly update


This is an image of Marjolein Meulensteen.

Marjolein Meulensteen

Portfoliomanager responsible investing

Marjolein has been working on a sustainable a.s.r. for many years, and has been doing so for a.s.r. vermogensbeheer since 2018.

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