Financial intuitions share their strategy on preserving biodiversity

Financial intuitions share their strategy on preserving biodiversity

16 December 2021 | 2 min. readingtime

A group of eight Dutch asset managers, banks, insurers and pension funds have joined forces and written a report on the importance of biodiversity for financial institutions. Actiam, APG, ASN, ASR, FMO, Rabobank, Robeco and NWB Bank provide case studies on how each of them manages biodiversity risks and opportunities within their activities. The paper intends to contribute to the debate on biodiversity impact measurement and to what effective steps entail to reduce biodiversity loss.

The year 2020 marks the end of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. Yet, according to the 2019 IPBES report Global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, nature is still declining at rates unprecedented in human history. To address the importance of biodiversity for financial institutions, Actiam, APG, ASN, ASR, FMO, Rabobank, Robeco and NWB Bank together with the ministry of LNV and Erasmus University have joined forces and formed a special biodiversity working group as part of the DNB Sustainable Finance Platform.

Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

Together, the working group members have written a paper called ‘Biodiversity; Opportunities & Risks for the Financial Sector’. The paper provides an overview on the opportunities that biodiversity brings and the risks that biodiversity loss can pose for financial institutions. In the paper, the working group members have taken a practical approach. Case studies are presented in which concrete examples are given of how these institutions have integrated biodiversity within their organization and activities.

  • Sustainability
  • Press releases


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Marjolein Meulensteen

Portfoliomanager responsible investing

Marjolein has been working on a sustainable a.s.r. for many years, and has been doing so for a.s.r. vermogensbeheer since 2018.

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