a.s.r. makes a positive contribution to energy transition

a.s.r. makes a positive contribution to energy transition

23 December 2021 | 1 min. readingtime

Vattenfall to sell part of Princess Ariane wind farm to a.s.r.

a.s.r. wants to make a contribution to the energy transition and to combating climate change. For this purpose, a.s.r. will significantly reduce the CO₂ emissions in the investments and insurance portfolios in the coming years. In addition, a.s.r. wants to have EUR 4.5 billion in investments on its balance sheet that contribute to a more sustainable world by 2024. The purchase of these wind turbines is indeed such an impact investment. For Vattenfall, the sale fits within the strategy of making fossil-free living possible within one generation. Vattenfall invests heavily in the development of wind and solar energy as well as energy storage. In the coming years, renewable sources are to replace fossil fuels and further increase the share of green energy.

Read the press release by clicking here (English)

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This is an image of Jack Julicher.

Jack Julicher


Jack has been the chief investment officer and chairman of the management team of a.s.r. asset management since 2003.

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