October 2022: 'Oktoberfest' on financial markets?

October 2022: 'Oktoberfest' on financial markets?

07 November 2022 | 1 min. readingtime


October 2022: 'Oktoberfest' on financial markets?

Financial markets have done very well over the past month. You could almost call it 'Oktoberfest' in financial markets, were it not for the fact that there is little to celebrate when looking at the macro and geopolitical environment. Finally, developed country equities rose 6% in October, with North American equities outperforming European equities (6%) (7%).

Read more:

  • Monthly reviews


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Raphie Hayat

Senior investment strategist

Raphie has a PhD in economic sciences and is an investment strategist at a.s.r. vermogensbeheer who writes about the interface between macroeconomics and financial markets.

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