02 June 2021 | 1 min. readingtime
Developments in the world of sustainability data and sustainability information seem to have gathered steam recently. We have now reached the decade in which we will have to deliver if we are to achieve the United Nations sustainability goals by 2030: to put the climate back on track towards a maximum increase in global temperatures of 1.5 degrees Celsius. Data and information can help us in this. But there is still much ground to be gained in the world of sustainability data.
"dtgeContentTypeAlias": "quoteGridEditor",
"value": {
"name": "Quote",
"quote": "As a sustainable investor, how do you know if your policies and investment practices are actually effective?",
"author": "Joost Notenboom",
"authorFunction": "Senior Advisor Responsible Investments"
"id": "f2c63b31-60de-ba07-d0ba-34ad3942451e"
As a sustainable investor, how do you know if your policies and investment practices are actually effective? Our colleague Joost Notenboom wrote the following publication about a recent Artificial Intelligence and sustainability project conducted by a.s.r. asset management.