16 August 2022 | 2 min. readingtime
Impact Investing is described by the Global Impact Investment Network (GIIN) as: 'investments made with the intention of generating a positive, measurable social and environmental impact in addition to a financial return.' At a.s.r. asset management we are fully engaged in impact investing.
Psychological well-being can be thought of as a trained body. If you take good care of your body every day, you will have a strong body. A body that can take a beating, a body that recovers quickly and that has a healthy immune system. The same is true for the psyche. If you take good care of your psyche, it will become stronger, more flexible and able to recover after psychological pain. Mental health issues are a pressing and growing challenge to our society, affecting about 25% of the European population every year. The solutions however, remain largely inaccessible due to an overloaded healthcare system.
Group BV is the first company in the Netherlands to make mental health accessible to everyone through its two subsidiaries, iPractice and OpenUp. iPractice is a provider of blended psychological care services, which means that online & chat support is interspersed with offline contact with a certified
psychologist. iPractice is a ‘regular’ psychologist practice (if applicable) reimbursed by the insurer.
OpenUp is a fully digital web/app platform democratizing mental health support, which enables employers to give their employees low-threshold, fast, secure and easy access to certified psychologists and online tools to improve mental wellbeing. As of May 2022, OpenUp serves more than 280 employers and roughly 110,000 employees across the Netherlands and Germany.
A.s.r. invested in Openup via the private equity fund Rubio Fund II.