Domino effects climate change still underestimated

Domino effects climate change still underestimated

05 July 2023 | 1 min. readingtime

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Amplifying effects due to climate change

Secondary effects resulting from rapid climate change, such as migration, political and geopolitical tensions and domestic polarisation can cause the overall risk picture to be underestimated by governments, businesses and individuals. Read more and download the paper.


Not prepared for the temperature-induced changes

In short, people are not prepared for the temperature-induced changes that await humanity, even though the effects of climate change are already visible in many areas and seemingly effective measures are being taken. As soon as extreme weather events plague the world with increasing frequency and severity, a domino effect will occur in which many countries will be hit by second-round risks.

  • Sustainability
  • Outlook


This is an image of Mark Kamerman.

Mark Kamerman

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